Version-4 (Nov-Dec 2015)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Irrigation distribution network analysis |
Country | : | Slovakia |
Authors | : | Zbynek Bajtek || Milan Cisty || Lubos Celar |
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper was to explore the possibility and limits of two basic approaches to water distribution system analysis. First approach represents demand-driven analysis, where on the first place lies nodal demand regardless from actual pressure. The second type is pressure driven analysis. This method is particularly suitable for the reason that most of the irrigators, mainly field crops is directly dependent on the pressure at the inlet to the machine and the demand is a function of pressure. Pressure driven analysis provides a better picture of the pressures as well as demands and thus the overall operation of the network. It is also preferable when assessing various unusual operating situations, such as very small load at once operated irrigation details, as well as assessing leaks and failures on the network, etc..
Keywords: demand-driven analysis, Epanet, irrigation networks, pressure-driven analysis, simulation model
[1] N. Lamaddalena, Integrated simulation model for design and performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems. Ph.D. Thesis. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Te´cnica de Lisboa, 1997.
[2] N. Lamaddalena, and L.S. Pereira, Performance analysis of on-demand pressurised irrigation systems. In: Pereira, L.S, 1998.
[3] M.J. Calejo, N. Lamaddalena, and L.S. Pereira, Pressurized irrigation network modelling: a flow driven analysis approach. In: Boaventura Cunha, J., Morais, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EFITA/WCCA 2005 Joint Conference on Information Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment and Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources. EFITA and Univ. Tra´s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, (DVD), pp. 260–265, 2005.
[4] Y. Labye, M.A. Olson, A. Galand, and N. Tsiourtis, Design and Optimization of Irrigation Distribution Networks. Irrigation and Drainage Paper no. 44. FAO, Roma, 1988.
[5] N. Lamaddalena, J.A. Sagardoy, Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems. Irrigation and Drainage Paper no. 59. FAO, Roma, 2000.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fabrication of Thermo Electric Solar Fridge |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. Mallikarjuna || B. James Prasad Rao || G. Kishore |
Abstract: Thermoelectric couples are solid-state devices capable of generating electrical power from a temperature gradient, known as the Seebeck effect, or converting electrical energy into a temperature gradient, known as the Peltier effect. A solar panel is charge by photo voltaic effect through sun light. A battery is connected to the solar panel which is charged through solar power the thermo electric module zip is connect to battery while current is passed through zip heat is produced on one side and cool is produced on another side of the zip.
[1] Godfrey, s., An Introduction to Thermoelectric Cooler Electronics Cooling, Vol.2, No.3. Pp.30-33, 1996.
[2] Jyrki Tervo, Ante Manninen, Risto llola and Hanninien, "State of the art of thermoelectric materials processing", Ju Ikaisija-utgivare (2009). Pp.3-6, 22-24 [3] Nolas G.S., Slack, G.A., Cohn, J.L., and Schujman, S.B., "The Next Generation Of Thermoelectric Material", Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Thermoelectric, pp 292-298, (1998).
[4] Fleurial, J-P., Borshchevsky, A., Caillat, T., and Ewell, R., "New Materials and Devices for Thermoelectric Applications", IECEC; ACS Paper No. 97419, pp 1081-1089 (1997). [5] Prof P.S. Desai, "Refrigeration and Air conditioning For Engineers", Khanna Publishers pp 313-322.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization of Weld Bead Geometry in Submerged Arc Welds Deposited On En24 Steel Alloy Using Taguchi Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shivam Bhardwaj || Simranjeet Singh || Sahil Barry || Manish Saini || ER.Ajay Sharma || ER.Harpreet Singh |
Abstract: Submerged arc welding (SAW) process is an important component in many industrial operations. The research on controlling metal transfer modes in SAW process is essential to high quality welding procedures. The experimentation work details the application of Taguchi techniques for optimization of weld bead geometry on EN24(low steel alloy)using submerged arc welding (SAW).The planned experiment work conducted in the semi automatic submerged arc welding machine and signal to noise ratio has been computed. The contribution of each factor has been calculated by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method. The result of the present experiment shows that the welding voltage is the highly dominating factor and most significant parameter that controls the bead penetration as compared to the other parameters.
Keywords: submerged arc welding, Taguchi method, ANOVA, EN-24, EN-8, Current, Voltage, Travel speed.
[1]. J Tusek, M.Suban, [High productivity multiple wire submerged arc welding and cladding with metal powder addition] journal of material processing technology 2003; 133:207-213.
[2]. RS Chandel, HP Seow, FL Cheong, [Effect of increasing deposition rate on the bead geometry of submerged arc welds] journal of material processing technology1997; 72:124-128.
[3]. RA.Mottaram, J.WoolMan, [The mechanical and physical properties of the British standard EN steels] 1st edition, vol.2, EN-21-EN-39, 1966, P: 72.
[4]. Hari Singh, [Optimizing tool life of carbide inserts for turned. Parts using Taguchi, s design of experiments approach] vol: 2 PIMCECS, 2008, HONGKONG.
[5]. Pandey AK,Khan MI, Moeed KM [investigation of the effect of current on the tensile strength and nugget diameter of spot weld made on AiSi-1008 steel sheets]IJTRA,2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Review of Effective Parameters of Stir Casting Process on Metallurgical Properties of Ceramics Particulate Al Composites |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Khalid Almadhoni || Sabah Khan |
Abstract: The low density, environment resistance and adequate mechanical and physical properties of aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMC's) make them one of the most interesting material alternatives for the manufacture of lightweight parts for many types of modern engineering equipments. Fabrication of aluminum and it's alloys based casting composite materials via stir casting is one of the prominent and economical technique for development and processing of metal matrix composites materials. The major challenges of this technique are to achieve sufficient wetting of particles by liquid metal, to get ahomogeneous dispersion of ceramic particles and to reduce porosity in the cast metal matrix composite.This article is just a review of stir casting for production of aluminum metal matrix composites, various process parameters of stir casting process, such as stirrer design, stirrer speed, stirring temperature, stirring time (holding time), preheat temperature of reinforcement, preheated temperature of mould, reinforcement feed rate, wettability-promoting agent and pouring of melt, and difficulties encountered in successful fabrication of AMMC's via stir casting technique. There were various articles accessed, however not all were completely relevant and as a result not included in this review. Keywords:Aluminum metal matrix composites, Ceramic reinforcements, Stir casting process.
[1] J. Wiley & Sons, "Technology & Engineering – Handbook of Composite Reinforcements ", P 344-355, 30-Nov-1992.
[2] R. Calin, M. Pul and Z. Pehlivanli, The Effect of Reinforcement Volume Ratio on Porosity and Thermal Conductivity in Al-Mgo Composites, Materials Research, 2012; 15(6): 1057-1063.
[3] N. Jit, A. Tyagi and N. Singh, Al-Cu-Si - (Al2O3)p composites using A 384.1 Al Alloys, Asian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 21, No. 10 (2009), S066-071.
[4] B. Kandpal, J. Kumar and H. Singh, Production Technologies of Metal Matrix Composite: A Review, IJRMET Vol. 4, Issue 2, Spl - 2 May - October 2014.
[5] S. Kulkarni, J. Meghnani and A. Lal, Effect of Fly Ash Hybrid Reinforcement on Mechanical Property and Porosity of Aluminium 356 alloy, Elsevier, Procedia Materials Science 5 (2014) 746-754.
[6] S. Shinde, Manufacturing of Aluminum Matrix Composite Using Stir Casting Method, IJIERT, Vol. 2, Issue 5, May-2015.
[7] P. Sharma, Production of AMC by stir casting – An Overview, International Journal of Contemporary Practices, ISSN: 2231-5608, Vol.2, Issue 1.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Use of Magnetic Lifts in Fire Safety |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aman Singhal |
Abstract: The deaths caused due to major fires in high rises is quite surprising. Most of the people die due to
suffocation as they are unable to leave the building on time.
The existing fire safety equipments try to put out fire by placing fire sensors and water hoses on each floor of the
building. This method proves to be ineffective quite often as the most common cause of fire is electrical shortcircuiting,
which cannot be put out by water easily. It does not solve the purpose it was designed for. A more
effective and sensible way of dealing with fire is to first try to get the people out of the building while the
sprinklers put out the fire.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Optimal performance and Analysis on 4-S Si and CI Engine Fueled with HHO Gas and LPG Enriched Gasoline" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.Govind || N.Venkata Siva Sai || B. Ravi Kumar || S.Upendar |
Abstract: An attempt has been made in this project to use alternative fuel in four stroke Gasoline engine. Our fore most aim in selecting this project is to use non-conventional fuel against conventional fuel which is becoming scarce and costly now a days. The combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel with air produces mainly carbon dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O). However, internal combustion engines are not perfectly efficient, so some of the fuel is not burned, which results in the presence of hydrocarbons (HC) other organic compounds, carbon monoxide (CO) and forming mainly nitric oxide (NO).This project carried out to analyze the petrol engine exhaust pollutants, to see the effect of using LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and HHO gasand engine exhaust gas analysis, to study the engine performance using LPG, HHO gas. Also to conduct cost benefit analysis as compared to that of pure Petrol, the mileage test with petrol, HHO gas kit, LPG gas kit.
Keywords: Petrol engine, Electrolysis, Oxygen Enriched hydrogen-HHO.
[1]. V. Jose Ananth Vino, Vyas Sunil Ramanlal and Yemmina Madhusudhan Performance Analysis of Petrol - HHO Engine Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 12 (12): 1737-1740, 2012, I1SSN 1990-9233, © IDOSI Publications, 2012, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2012.12.12.44.
[2]. P.T.Aravindhan, P.T.Anandhan, Efficiency Analysis of a Copper Coated SI Engine using Normal and HHO blended Gasoline under Various Loads. Volume 3, Special Issue 3, March 2014, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET'14)
[3]. Ammar A. Al-Rousan, Reduction of fuel consumption in gasoline engines by introducing HHO gas into intake manifold, international journal of hydrogen 35(2010)1993.
[4]. Saed A. Musmar , Ammar A. A-Rousan ,Effect of HHO gas on combustion emissions in gasoline engines, fuel (2011)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Determination of Thickness of Aquifer with Vertical Electrical Sounding" |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | S.O. AGHA || C. Agha || U. IBURU |
Abstract: Depth profiling of resistivity survey aimed at determining the average thickness of aquifer in Abakaliki was carried out using ABEM terrameter (SAS 300C). Three locations within the study area were selected and surveyed and the sounding curves generated showed five geoelectrical layers delineated by the current. The layers were found to have average thicknesses of 2.38m for the first layer; 5.90m for the second layer; 11.27m for the third layer and 28.86m for the fourth layer. The thickness of the fifth layer could not be determined. The fourth layer which was interpreted as probably wet and fractured shales was the aquifer identified in the study area. The thickness of the aquifer was estimated to be 29m.
Keywords: Aquifer, resistivity, shale, geoelectrical.
[1]. Agha, S.O., Anyigor, S.I and Uwa, R.C. (2014) International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology.4(5),pp11-19.
[2]. Allison, I.S, and Palmer, D.F, (1980): The science of changing earth, Geology, 7th edition. pp55-57.
[3]. Egboka, B.C.E. and Okpoko, E.I., (1984): Gully erosion in the Agulu Nanka region of Anambra state Nigeria. In: Challenges in
African Hydrology:335-347.
[4]. Freeze, R.A. and Cherry, J.A. (1978): Groundwater, prentice-Hall Inc, Englewood Chiffs, new Jersey.
[5]. Griffiths. D.H., and King R.F, (1981): Applied Geophysics for Geologists and Engineers, perganion press ltd. U.K.
[6]. Habberjam, O.E. (1979): Occurrence, Origin and Discharge of Groundwater, Dover, New York.
[7]. Johnson, E.E. (1966): Groundwater resource evaluation. McGraw-Hill Publishing.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Measurement of Velocity Gradients of Beds At Unwana, Nigeria" |
Country | : | Abakaliki |
Authors | : | S. O.AGHA || R.C. UWA || J.E.EKPE |
Abstract: Seismic compressional waves have been used in Unwana to measure velocity gradients of beds. The seismic refraction method was employed. Unwana is situated within latitude 5050' to 5055' N and longitude 7050' to 7057'E. It has an area of about 48km2. A digital type signal enhancement seismograph was the equipment used along with its accessories. Forward and reverse shootings were carried out along the same profile line and the seismic velocities and thicknesses of underlying layers were estimated. The velocity gradients of the refracting beds were hence evaluated. The primary wave velocities for both forward and reverse shots were found to be 315m/s and 300m/s respectively for the first layer and 608 and 600m/s respectively for the second layer. The thickness measured from both forward and reverse ends of the profile line were 2.1m and 2.0m respectively for the first layer and 7.3m and 4.7m respectively for the second layer. These gave values of velocity gradients as 149s-1 and 150s-1 respectively for layer 1 and 83s-1 and 127s-1 respectively for the second layer. The result indicates that the materials of the first layer in Unwana are laterally homogenous and are flatlaying while those of the second layer are dipping although with no lateral inhomogeneity.
Keywords: Refraction, compressional, seismic, seismograph.
[1]. Agha, S.O., and Arua, A.I. (2014). Integrated Geophysical Investigation of Sequence of Deposition of Sedimentary Strata in
Abakaliki. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences. 1(5), 1 – 5.
[2]. Agha, S.O., Okwueze, E.E., and Akpan, T. (2006). Determination of Strength of Foundation Materials in Afikpo, Nigeria, Using
Seismic Refraction Method. Nigerian Journal of Physics. 18(1), 33-37
[3]. Dobrin, M.B. (1976). Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. McGraw-Hill Book Company Ltd. Japan.
[4]. Kearey, P., and Brooks, M. (1991). An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration(2nd ed.). Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Cambridge, U.S.A.
[5]. Lowrie, W. (1997). Fundamentals of Geophysics (3rd Edition). Cambridge University Press, New York.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Delay Analysis of Projects and Effects of Delays in the Mining/Manufacturing Industries |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prakash Kumar || Piush Raj |
Abstract: Delays are unique and one of the largest issues mining/manufacturing companies is facing today. Delays in mining/manufacturing projects have become a major concern across all parts of the world. Substantial value is destroyed and companies face significant corporate risk if these delays occur during project execution. However, despite the concern regarding the project delays, there has been very limited research conducted in this area.
[1] Al-Ghafly MA. , Delays in the construction of public utility projects in Saudi Arabia., Master thesis, CEM Dept., KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1995. [2] Al-Momani, A.H. (2000).Construction delay: a quantitative analysis, Journal of ProjectManagement18, 51-59. [3] Alwi, S. (2002). ―Non Value-Adding Activities in the Indonesian Construction Industry: Variables and Causes‖. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane,Australia. [4] Arvan, L. and Leite. (1990), Cost Overruns in Long-Term Project,' International Journal of Industrial Organization, 8(3), 443-67. Banerjee-Guha, Swapna (2009), Neoliberalizing the ‗Urb [5] Chan, D. W. M. and Kumaraswamy, M. M. (1997) ―A Comparative Study of Causes of Time Overruns in Hong Kong Construction Projects‖. International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, 55-63. [6] C.T.Ramanathan, N. S. Potty and A. B. Idrus, ―Analysis of time and cost overrun in Malaysian construction‖, Advanced Materials Research Journal. Vol. 452-453, pp. 1002-1008
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Linking design and manufacturing on a PLM platform |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Kameswari Sneha || Vinoth Rajah || R. Ramesh |
Abstract: One of the means to quick and scalable manufacture in industrial environment is to employ software packages that allow for an "end-to-end design" and manufacturing. PLM or Product Lifecycle Management is used to realize these requirements. However little literature is available on this topic. In this work, a typical automotive fuel tank cap was modelled and an injection mould was developed for the part. The complete design data was then integrated into a commercial PLM software, for data and process management. It is expected that this paper which showcases design to manufacture linkage on a PLM platform will not only encourage industries/manufacturing units to plan for and employ this approach to their products but also add to the available information to the academic community on this highly practical/applied topic.
Keywords: Creo Parametric, Windchill, Injection moulding, Modelling, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).
[1] Jain R.K, Production Technology, 17th Edition, (Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2011).
[2] PTC Creo Parametric Data Sheet, URL: (accessed on 6th October, 2015). [3] Windchill software, U.S.A, Parametric Technology Corporation, URL:
[4] Bokinge Mattias and Johan Malmqvist, PLM implementation guidelines - relevance and application in practice: a discussion of findings from a retrospective case study, Int. J. Product Lifecycle Management, 6(1), 2012, pp:79-98. [5] PTC Windchill PDM Essentials, URL:, (accessed on 15th October, 2015).
[6] Thomas Kiran Tom and Ramesh Babu K, Conceptual design of two plate injection mould tool for five pin daimler regulator, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 3(4), 2014, pp:299-307.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Simple Signature Recognition System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suvarnsing G. Bhable |
Abstract: The signature of a person is an important biometric characteristic of a human being which can be used to verify human identity. Signature verification is an important research area in the field of authentication of a person as well as documents in e-commerce and banking. Signatures are verified based on features extracted from the signature using Invariant Central Moment and Modified Zernike moment for its invariant feature extraction because the signatures are Hampered by the large amount of variation in size, translation and rotation and shearing parameter. This signature recognition system is designed using MATLAB. This work has been tested and found suitable for its purpose.
Keywords: Biometrics, Hidden Markov models (HMM), Normalized area of signature, Off-line Signature Recognition, OCR
[1]. M. J. Alhaddad, D. Mohamad and A. M. Ahsan, "Online Signature Verification Using Probablistic Modeling and Neural Network", IEEE, (2012)
[2]. S. Srivastava and S. Agarwal, "Offline signature verification using grid based feature extraction", IEEE, (2011)
[3]. J. Coetzer, B. M. Herbst and J. A. du Preez, "Offline Signature Verification Using the Discrete Radon Transform and a Hidden Markov Model", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, (2004)
[4]. Sangramsing Kayte, Suvarnsing G.Bhable and Jaypalsing Kayte, ―A Review Paper on Multimodal Biometrics System using Fingerprint and Signature‖. IJCA Volume 128 – No.15, October 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Experimental and Numerical Study of a Steel Bridge Model through Vibration Testing Using Sensor Networks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Patel S G || Vesmawala G R |
Abstract: In recent years, vibration signatures are used to investigate modal parameters (i.e. modal frequencies, mode shapes and damping etc.) from vibration response of the structures under the external excitations. These identified parameters gives valuable information on the behaviour and performance of the structures. In this paper, experimental study on a steel bridge model was carried out by using ambient excitation method (i.e. remote car model). Mode shapes and its respective modal frequencies are extracted with the use of sensor technology, signal communication and data acquisition technology. Along with the experimental study, numerical, study is also carried out to evaluate the vibration properties of a steel bridge model with the help of FEA software package (ANSYS) and the results are compared.
Keywords: Vibration test; Steel bridge model; Ambient vibration; Data acquisition; Finite element analysis
[1] O. S. Salawu and C. Williams, "Review of full-scale dynamic testing of bridge structures," Engineering Structure, Vol. 17, No.2, 1995, pp.113-121
[2] Biggs, M. John, "Vibrations of simple span bridges," Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 121, 1959, pp. 291-318.
[3] M. L. Silver and T. Venema , "Vibration measurement of steel transit structures," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, V 101:st9, 1975, pp. 1855-1869.
[4] Fraser, E. Ahmed, H. Xianfei, and P.C. Joel (2010), "Sensor network for structural health monitoring of a highway bridge," J. Comput. Civ. Eng., ASCE, Vol.24, 2010, pp.11-24.
[5] H. W. Shenton, and P. J. Nicholas, "PC-Based data-acquisition system for structural monitoring", J. Comput. Civ. Eng., ASCE, Vol.3, 1989, pp. 333-347.