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Research Paper |
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Hydrochemical Assessment and Factor Analysis of Groundwater with Special Reference to Fluoride in Kanpur Dehat, Uttar Pradesh, India |
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India |
Authors |
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Neeraj Agnihotri, Vinay Kumar Pathak, Naseema Khatoon, Masihur Rahman |
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10.9790/5736-07315256  |
Abstract: Present study aim to understand the hydrogeochemistry of underground water of Kanpur Dehat district U.P. with special reference to fluoride contamination. Total 75 samples from ground water sources scattered in 10 blocks of Kanpur Dehat were collected and analyzed. The data collected were analyzed statistically. The characteristic feature of ground water indicated the presence of F- (0.20-4.76 μg/mL), HCO32- (213.50-1830.00 μg/mL), CO32- (0.00-204.00 μg/mL) Cl- (0.00-603.50 μg/mL), SO42-(1.92-649.00 μg/mL), Mg2+ (13.74-138.51 μg/mL) Na+ (23.50-750.00 μg/mL), K+ (2.00-87.12 μg/mL). In general pH of ground water is found to be alkaline (mean ± SD, 8.11±.0.40 with high value of EC (458.00-4992.00 μS/cm), TDS (516.00-2998.00 μg/mL), TH (89.70-740.00 μg/mL), TA (0.00-1500.00 μg/mL) and Iron (0.00-419 μg/mL).Total 14.67% samples exceeds maximum desirable limit of BIS 10500 and WHO limit (1.5 μg/mL). Sarwankhera is found to be worst affected where 50% samples exceeds both BIS maximum permissible limit and WHO limit, followed by Sandalpur, Derapur, Akbarpur, Rasulabad, Jhinjhank and Amroudha. Maitha, Rajpur and Malasa are found to be safe for drinking in reference of fluoride.
Keywords: Correlation matrix, Factor analysis, Fluoride, Hydrochemistry, statistical analysis.
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