Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Knowing the variables that can help improve performance in different disciplines is what coaches and group directors look for. Tobacco use and sports performance are part of the fundamental pillars of a study of health and performance in athletes. That is the reason why the studies of sports performanceshave increasedover recent years. Objective. Carry out a literature review on the impact of tobacco use on sports performance, clarifying its consequences. Methodology. A search was made in the Scopus, Pubmed and ScienceDirect databases, using the keywords "smoking"; "sport performance.......
Key Words: adults, sports performance, physical performance, revision, tobacco
[1]. Yusko, D., Buckman, J., White, H. y Pandina, R. (2011). Alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, and performance enhacers: A comparison of use by college student athletes and nonathletes. Journal of American College Health, 57, 281-289. doi: 10.3200/JACH.57.3.281-290.
[2]. Observatorio Español de la Droga y las Toxicomanías (OEDT, 2017). Informe 2017. Alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilegales en España. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad.
[3]. Hernández-Serrano, O., Gras, M.E. y Font-Mayolas, S. (2017). Consumo de drogas y participación deportiva en estudiantes universitarios de ciencias de la salud y el deporte. Health and Addictions, 18(1), 61-70.
[4]. Chaabane, Z., Murlasits, Z., Mahfoud, Z., y Goebel, R. (2016).Tobacco Use and Its Health Effects among Professional Athletes in Qatar. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 1-5.
[5]. Romaguera, D., Tauler, P., Bennasar, M., Pericas, J., Moreno, C., Martínez, S. y Aguilo, A. (2011). Determinants and patterns of physical activity practice among Spanish university students. Journal of Sports, 29(9), 989-997..
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of close chain and open chain kinetic exercise on development of Soccer kicking ability and to determine which mode resulted in the greatest performance enhancement. The case study incorporated randomly a total of thirty college level soccer players, each aged between 19 to 24 years. The total thirty students were randomly divided into equal three groups. Among these groups two different groups were gone throughclose chain kinetic and open chain kinetic exercises respectively and one group kept as control group.Progressive weight training thrice a week for 14 weeks scheduled.Necessary data was collected......
Key Words: Close chain kinetic exercise, open chain kinetic exercise, soccer kicking,Squats, Lunges, leg extension, leg curl.
[1]. McGinnis Peter, (2004). "Biomechanics of Sports and Exercise" 2nd ed.: Human Kinetics.
[2]. Hall Susan J,( 1991). "Basic Biomechanics", 2nd ed.: California: McGraw Hill Companies.
[3]. BompaO. Tudor , Gregory Haff G,(2015) "Periodization",Human Kinetics Publication, PP.279-281.
[4]. Barrow L. J & Jack K.N,(1988) Practical Measurement for Evaluation in Physical Education.
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Abstract: Dual-tasking is common in daily life. One normally needs to maintain postural control while performing one or more other concurrent tasks such as walking while talking. When two tasks are being performed simultaneously, performance of one or both can be impaired; if together they require attention that exceeds an individual's capacity. Dual-task methods have been successfully applied to the measurement of postural control.The study of relation between cognitive overload and upper limb motor task, and their respective effects on postural sway in quiet standing can be used to train phases of postural stability. Young adults between ages 18 and 35 who were able to count; excluding the subjects with recent lower limb pathologies, neurological or vestibular conditions were taken. Arbitrarily, 100 subjects were taken, and the sampling was convenient sampling. The subject stood......
[1]. Christopher K. Rheaa, Adam W. Kiefer, F.J. Haran, Stephen M. Glass, William H.Warren authors. A new measure of the CoP trajectory in postural sway: Dynamics of heading change. Elsevier journal, December, 2013.
[2]. Banu Mujdeci, Didem Turkyilmaz, Suha Yagcioglu, Songul Aksoy, authors. Theeffects of concurrent cognitive tasks on postural sway in healthy subjects.
[3]. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, February, 2016. L. James Smart Jr., Brandy S. Mobley, Edward W. Otten, Dean L. Smith, MaryseR. Amin, authors. Not just standing there: The use of postural coordination to aidvisual tasks. Science direct, 2004.
[4]. Shumway-Cook, Anne & Woollacott, Marjorie. Attentional demands and postural control: The effect of sensory context. The Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, (2000).
[5]. L Pellecchia, Geraldine. Postural sway increases with attentional demands ofconcurrent cognitive task. Gait & posture. (2003).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Intervention on Physiological Variables of School Boys |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arvind Kumar |
: | 10.9790/6737-06011419 |
Abstract: Adolescence is a critical period of physical growth and development. It is also a time when many adolescents adopt unhealthy behaviors, such as physical inactivity, poor diet, and substance use. These behaviors can have a negative impact on physiological variables, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and body composition. Interventions that promote healthy behaviors in adolescents can help to improve their physiological health. School-based interventions are particularly well-suited to reach a large number of adolescents and to provide them with the support they need to make healthy changes......
KEYWORDS: Intervention, Physiological, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, Body Composition
[1]. Ridgers ND, Salmon J, Timperio A. Too hot to move? Objectively assessed seasonal changes in Australian children's physical activity. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act [Internet] 2015 [acessado em 6 dez. 2016]; 12: 77.
[2]. Hallal PC, Andersen LB, Bull FC, Guthold R, Haskell W, Ekelund U. Global physical activity levels: surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. Lancet 2016; 380(9838): 247-57.
[3]. Telama R, Yang X, Leskinen E, Kankaanpaa A, Hirvensalo M, Tammelin T, et al. Tracking of physical activity from early childhood through youth into adulthood. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2016; 46(5): 955-62.
[4]. Lee I-M, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT. Impact of Physical Inactivity on the World's Major Non-Communicable Diseases. Lancet 2016; 380(9838): 219-29
[5]. Andrade S, Lachat C, Ochoa-Aviles A, Verstraeten R, Huybregts L, Roberfroid D, et al. A school-based intervention improves physical fitness in Ecuadorian adolescents: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2016; 11: 153