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Research Paper |
Title |
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Received Oil Yields and Chemical Compounds of Mixed Grass
Synthesized by Pyrolysis Process |
Country |
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Thailand |
Authors |
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Kittiphop Promdee, Tharapong Vitidsant |
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10.9790/5736-0321420  |
Abstract: The pyrolysis of mixed grass (Cogongrass and Manilagrass), conducted criteria with temperatures
in the range of 400-500°C, the feeding rate of 150, 350, and 550 rpm (r·min
)]. Preliminary result of
proximate analysis was founded that the high volatile matter, low ash and moisture. The products yield
calculation showed that the liquid yield of bio-oil obtained from mixed grass was highest of 42.37 % at 350
rpm, the gases and the solid yield of mixed grass by during pyrolysis were 28.88 and 28.75 %, at 350 rpm,
respectively,. Indicated that biomass from mixed grass had good received yields because of low solid yield
and gas yield and high liquid yield at 350 rpm. The compounds detected in bio-oil from mixed grass showed
that the functional groups, especially; Phenols (24.78 %), Phenol, 2,3-dimethyl-(2.52%), Phenol, 2,6-
dimethoxy (14.48 %) ,Phenol, 2-methoxy-(3.18 %), Phenol, 3-methyl-(3.23 %), Phenol, 2-methyl-(4.97 %),
Phenol, 4-ethyl-2-methoxy-(3.95 %), alcohols, and ketones.
Keywords : Continuous Pyrolysis, Product Yields, Chemical Compound, Cogongrass, Manilagrass.
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