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Resaerch Paper |
Title |
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Improved Methods of Solutions to Problems in Chemistry |
Country |
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India |
Authors |
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R. Subramanya |
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10.9790/5736-0132842  |
Abstract: This is a review article with advanced methods of calculations that helps the students to solve problems of chemistry. It cuts down the number of steps in many solutions given in books. Algebraic method furnished in this article for balancing chemical equations, brings down the stress that the students usually experience while solving such problems. Links between Molarity, Molality and Mole fraction are established. This helps the students to understand the concepts of Molarity, Molality and Mole fraction and shows that they are same but understood with respect to different radices. Many steps appear as practical, easily understandable and maintain good relationship between the steps. A new idea is proposed on density at section 4 of this article. This density seems to be more stable than the prevailing concept of density. Most of the problems of chemistry look arithmetical; here it is made to look more algebraic. Problem on percentage composition is solved using determinant method.
Keywords: Density, Molarity, Percentage, composition. Algebraic.
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Book Chapter
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