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$key :
\n"; } } foreach($this->fileupload_fields as $upload_field) { $field_name = $upload_field["name"]; if(!$this->IsFileUploaded($field_name)) { continue; } $filename = basename($_FILES[$field_name]['name']); $ret_str .= "
File upload '$field_name' :
\n"; } return $ret_str; } function ExtraInfoToMail() { $ret_str=''; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ret_str = "
IP address of the submitter:
\n"; return $ret_str; } function GetMailStyle() { $retstr = "\n\n"; return $retstr; } function GetHTMLHeaderPart() { $retstr = ''."\n". ''. ''; $retstr .= $this->GetMailStyle(); $retstr .= ''; return $retstr; } function GetHTMLFooterPart() { $retstr =''; return $retstr ; } function ComposeFormtoEmail() { $header = $this->GetHTMLHeaderPart(); $formsubmission = $this->FormSubmissionToMail(); $extra_info = $this->ExtraInfoToMail(); $footer = $this->GetHTMLFooterPart(); $message = $header."Paper Status


$extra_info".$footer; return $message; } function AttachFiles() { foreach($this->fileupload_fields as $upld_field) { $field_name = $upld_field["name"]; if(!$this->IsFileUploaded($field_name)) { continue; } $filename =basename($_FILES[$field_name]['name']); $this->mailer->AddAttachment($_FILES[$field_name]["tmp_name"],$filename); } } function GetFromAddress() { if(!empty($this->from_address)) { return $this->from_address; } $host = $_SERVER['Server_name']; $from = $_POST['email']; return $from; } function Validate() { $ret = true; //security validations if(empty($_POST[$this->GetFormIDInputName()]) || $_POST[$this->GetFormIDInputName()] != $this->GetFormIDInputValue() ) { //The proper error is not given intentionally $this->add_error("Automated submission prevention: case 1 failed"); $ret = false; } //This is a hidden input field. Humans won't fill this field. if(!empty($_POST[$this->GetSpamTrapInputName()]) ) { //The proper error is not given intentionally $this->add_error("Automated submission prevention: case 2 failed"); $ret = false; } //email validations if(empty($_POST['email'])) { $this->add_error("Please provide your email address"); $ret = false; } else if(strlen($_POST['email'])>50) { $this->add_error("Email address is too big!"); $ret = false; } else if(!$this->validate_email($_POST['email'])) { $this->add_error("Please provide a valid email address"); $ret = false; } //country if(empty($_POST['manuscript'])) { $this->add_error("Please provide your manuscript ID"); $ret = false; } else if(strlen($_POST['manuscript'])>11) { $this->add_error("manuscript ID is too big"); $ret = false; } //captcha validaions if(isset($this->captcha_handler)) { if(!$this->captcha_handler->Validate()) { $this->add_error($this->captcha_handler->GetError()); $ret = false; } } //file upload validations if(!empty($this->fileupload_fields)) { if(!$this->ValidateFileUploads()) { $ret = false; } } return $ret; } function ValidateFileType($field_name,$valid_filetypes) { $ret=true; $info = pathinfo($_FILES[$field_name]['name']); $extn = $info['extension']; $extn = strtolower($extn); $arr_valid_filetypes= explode(',',$valid_filetypes); if(!in_array($extn,$arr_valid_filetypes)) { $this->add_error("Valid file types are: $valid_filetypes"); $ret=false; } return $ret; } function ValidateFileSize($field_name,$max_size) { $size_of_uploaded_file = $_FILES[$field_name]["size"]/10240;//size in KBs if($size_of_uploaded_file > $max_size) { $this->add_error("The file is too big. File size should be less than $max_size KB"); return false; } return true; } function IsFileUploaded($field_name) { if(empty($_FILES[$field_name]['name'])) { return false; } if(!is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field_name]['tmp_name'])) { return false; } return true; } function ValidateFileUploads() { $ret=true; foreach($this->fileupload_fields as $upld_field) { $field_name = $upld_field["name"]; $valid_filetypes = $upld_field["file_types"]; if(!$this->IsFileUploaded($field_name)) { continue; } if($_FILES[$field_name]["error"] != 0) { $this->add_error("Error in file upload; Error code:".$_FILES[$field_name]["error"]); $ret=false; } if(!empty($valid_filetypes) && !$this->ValidateFileType($field_name,$valid_filetypes)) { $ret=false; } if(!empty($upld_field["maxsize"]) && $upld_field["maxsize"]>0) { if(!$this->ValidateFileSize($field_name,$upld_field["maxsize"])) { $ret=false; } } } return $ret; } function StripSlashes($str) { if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $str = stripslashes($str); } return $str; } /* Sanitize() function removes any potential threat from the data submitted. Prevents email injections or any other hacker attempts. if $remove_nl is true, newline chracters are removed from the input. */ function Sanitize($str,$remove_nl=true) { $str = $this->StripSlashes($str); if($remove_nl) { $injections = array('/(\n+)/i', '/(\r+)/i', '/(\t+)/i', '/(%0A+)/i', '/(%0D+)/i', '/(%08+)/i', '/(%09+)/i' ); $str = preg_replace($injections,'',$str); } return $str; } /*Collects clean data from the $_POST array and keeps in internal variables.*/ function CollectData() { $this->email = $this->Sanitize($_POST['email']); $this->manuscript = $this->Sanitize($_POST['manuscript']); /*newline is OK in the message.*/ $this->query = $this->StripSlashes($_POST['query']); } function add_error($error) { array_push($this->errors,$error); } function validate_email($email) { return eregi("^[_\.0-9a-zA-Z-]+@([0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", $email); } function GetKey() { return $this->form_random_key.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } ?>